Extra Time: Community Games – Registration FormPlease contact Celtic FC Foundation on 0141 551 4321 or [email protected] if you have any issues completing this form. Participant Details First Name (required) Last Name (required) Date of Birth (required) Gender (required) —Please choose an option—MaleFemaleNon-BinaryPrefer Not To SayOther Other Gender Street (required) City (required) Postcode (required) Name of School (required) Parent/Guardian/Carer Details Contact's First Name (required) Contact's Last Name (required) Contact's Phone Number (required) Contact's Email Emergency Contact Details Emergency Contact First Name (required) Emergency Contact Last Name (required) Emergency Contact Phone (required) Relationship to Emergency Contact (required) —Please choose an option—ParentSpousePartnerCousinAuntUncleGrandparentGrandchildFamilyOther Other Relationship Additional Information Are you a family with a disabled adult or child? (required) —Please choose an option—YesNo Are you a family with a young mother under 25 years old? (required) —Please choose an option—YesNo Are you a family with a lone parent? (required) —Please choose an option—YesNo Are you a family with 3 or more children? (required) —Please choose an option—YesNo Do you consider yourself an ethnic minority family? (required) —Please choose an option—YesNo Please select which of the following your family has experience of: (required) —Please choose an option—NoneCare ExperiencedSubject to Kinship or a Guardian OrderExperienced Trauma Will your child attending Community Games have an affect in the following ways? (required) —Please choose an option—Maintain employment (you or household)Increase working hoursAccess employability advice/servicesRespite from caring responsibilities Please provide any additional information you think might be helpful to Celtic FC Foundation staff How did you hear about the project? —Please choose an option—WebsiteSocial MediaFamily/FriendCeltic FC Foundation Open DayReferral AgencySocial WorkerSchool/Education ServicesOther Other source Have you previously attended any projects through Celtic FC Foundation? —Please choose an option—YesNo If yes, please detail End Of Session A responsible adult will be required to drop off and collect your child at the end of each session. Please provide the names of the people authorised to do so: (required) Medical Details I consent to any emergency medical / surgical / dental treatment which the child may require during the course of the activity. Does the child suffer from any conditions requiring medical treatment on a regular basis? (required) —Please choose an option—YesNo Please provide details of medical condition(s) Is the child allergic to any medication, or has he / she any other allergies? (required) —Please choose an option—YesNo Please provide details of allergies Has the child received a tetanus injection in the last five years? (required) —Please choose an option—YesNo Please provide date of tetanus injection To the best of your knowledge, has the child been in contact with any contagious or infectious diseases or suffered from any in the last three months that may be or become contagious or infectious? (required) —Please choose an option—YesNo Please provide details I agree to inform the worker in charge as soon as possible of any change in medical circumstances between the date of signing and commencement of the activity.Details of Family Doctor Doctor's Name/Name of Practice Doctor's Address Street City Postcode Phone ConsentI confirm the above information is accurate and I will notify Celtic FC Foundation of any changes.Tick to confirm we can use personal details to inform you of forthcoming events? Please note that video or still photographs may be taken during the project which may be shared with funding partners and/or used in future marketing materials such as, but not inclusive to Celtic FC Foundation website, Celtic View, Celtic website or Celtic TV. Do you consent to this? (required) —Please choose an option—YesNo For full details on how your data is used and stored please contact Celtic FC Foundation by emailing [email protected] or by obtaining a copy from one of our Foundation coaches. Δ