CELTIC FC Foundation’s ‘Ghirls for Good’ ladies lunch is a key event within our 2015 Christmas Appeal and places are now available to reserve.
The afternoon of fabulous festive fun, fizz and frolics will take place in the Kerrydale Suite at Celtic Park on Saturday, December 12. Kick-off time is 11.30am for 12noon.
The event will include a glass of fizz on arrival, delicious Christmas lunch, auction, raffle, entertainment, a festive DJ and, of course, a visit from the main man himself, Santa Claus.
We will also ask each gorgeous Ghirl to bring along a gift for a local child and these will be distributed to those who are sick or disadvantaged before the sleigh bells ring on Christmas Eve.
So dig out your party kit, Ghirls, and join us for what is sure to be a magical, heartwarming afternoon to celebrate all that is wonderful about the Celtic Family.
The cost for a table of 10 is £450 or places can be purchased on an individual basis at £45pp.
The make a reservation or for more information on sponsorship opportunities, please call 0141 551 4262 or email [email protected]
All funds raised will support our 2015 Christmas Appeal, which reflects the very essence of why our Club was set up back in 1887.
The Appeal will help local families who face poverty and hardship and a number of charities who care for those experiencing the torment of homelessness or other disadvantage.
Please help us brighten up lives and reach our goal this Christmas. Thank you so much for your wonderful support!