
Light up the Celtic Clover for Christmas tonight

CELTIC FC Foundation take great pleasure in reminding supporters that our first ever ‘Light up the Clover’ event will take place tonight, in the lead up to Celtic’s SPFL encounter with Hamilton Accies.

Supporters will have the opportunity to purchase a small LED candle – priced at £2 each – and place it around the Christmas tree on the Celtic Way’s Clover area, in memory of a loved one.

The first candle placed on the Clover will be in honour of Brother Walfrid.

Our volunteers will be located on the Celtic Way and also at other key entry points around the ground so please look out for them on your way to Paradise.

The event will begin at 6pm with some gentle Christmas Carols and we will then be joined by a piper at 7pm.

It’s sure to be a beautiful and magical spectacle as we aim to ‘Light up the Clover’.

All funds raised will support our 2017 Christmas Appeal.

We want to help around 300 local families facing poverty, to provide a meal on the table and gifts for the kids. We want to bring the magic of Christmas to those homes. We are also looking to help vulnerable local pensioners to ease the financial burden at a challenging time of year plus a number of other local charities who support those experiencing homelessness or other disadvantage.

So far, 13 charity partners have been confirmed, including the Wayside Club, Loaves and Fishes, The Invisibles, Salvation Army Parkhead, Glasgow City Mission, the Scottish Refugee Council, the Elpis Centre, Simon Community Scotland, Refuweegee, Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity, the St Roch’s Foundation and two London-based beneficiaries, St Ann’s Primary School and the Cardinal Hume Centre.

So please follow in the footsteps of Brother Walfrid and help us Share the Spirit of Celtic this Christmas to help the most vulnerable in our community.

You can also get behind the Appeal in the following ways:

Donate by Text – text ‘CELT07’ followed by ‘£1’, ‘£5’ or ‘£10’ to 70070

Donate Online –

Donate via Paypal –

Donate in Cash – there are collection boxes located in all Celtic Stores

Donate by Cheque – payable to ‘Celtic FC Foundation’ and sent to Celtic FC Foundation, Celtic Park, Glasgow, G40 3RE.

Give as you Live via your Christmas Shopping –

Download Kevin Miles’ single ‘Celtic, My Heart and My Soul’-

Thank you for your wonderful support.