
Christmas cheer for the Glasgow Simon Community

CELTIC star Teemu Pukki was delighted today to represent the club at a special Christmas lunch for 120 guests who use the services of the Glasgow Simon Community.�

The Christmas lunch and party which took place in Glasgow City Centre, was funded by Celtic FC Foundation through a £3,000 donation.�

The Glasgow Simon Community has been developing and delivering services with and for people who experience homelessness for over four decades.

The charity continues to learn from every person it supports, finding new ways to overcome the risks and vulnerabilities they face and they are often astounded by what people can achieve when empowered with hope, ambition and individually tailored support.

Service delivery includes prevention of rough-sleeping, intensive outreach, emergency access, supported accommodation and life-skills development groups.

Celtic has been a long-time supporter of the Glasgow Simon Community and is delighted to help the charity once again at Christmas.�

Celtic Chief Executive Peter Lawwell said: “Celtic is delighted to be doing more than it has ever done during its history to help people in need and today’s lunch is a perfect example of the way in which we aim to make a difference.

“The Glasgow Simon Community works with people who face certain difficulties and challenges, people who need our encouragement and support so their circumstances can be changed.

“We are delighted to offer our support to these men and women, particularly at Christmas.”

He added: “What we do as a club today in 2013 reflects the visions of our founder, Brother Walfrid, in 1888 – helping those within our local community.

“This spirit of charity and community will always be with us and is something which will always define Celtic as a special football club – we are pleased to continue our work in this area across so many initiatives and we send our best wishes to everyone connected to the Glasgow Simon Community.”�����