
Football for Good Fund Beneficiary: Glasgow’s Golden Generation

Celtic FC Foundation, supported by Celtic FC, has moved quickly to support those most in need in our communities during these unprecedented times. We recently announced £175,000 of support through our Football for Good Fund.

One of the fantastic organisations is Glasgow’s Golden Generation, who have been given £10,000 to support their work. For over 70 years, Glasgow’s Golden Generation has been providing care and support to older adults across Glasgow.

The charity assists over 55s through four core services: day care centres, befriending, welfare advice and over 100 weekly clubs. All four of these services focus on early intervention to decrease loneliness and isolation in older adults.

More recently the organisation has been working towards becoming a dementia friendly community – that means ensuring all of their services are accessible to people with dementia. And whilst provision of these services has been interrupted due to the current COVID-19 crisis, the charity is continuing to ensure the wellbeing of their service users.

Dementia Development Manager at Glasgow’s Golden Generation, Lynsey Neilson said: “Our activities have had to adapt and change. We’ve started delivering parcels of essentials to older adults in the city who have been affected by the current situation.

“This service is completely free of charge and open to anyone over the age of 55. Parcels are being delivered to older adults’ doorsteps to minimise contact, and we are also including messages of hope and pictures drawn by local school children. And while we can’t provide a face-to-face service, we continue to provide a number of our services over the phone.

“Without the support of the Football for Good Fund we simply wouldn’t be able to deliver the food parcel service. The phenomenal support of Celtic FC Foundation has allowed us to reach more people daily and we don’t need to worry about how we will fund the project because we know the financial backing is there for us to reach as many people as we can.

“Knowing that we can provide a vital service at this time feeds into our other services and the funds provided allow staff to provide the support they need to.”

Lynsey added a final message of thanks to the Foundation, and said: “Everyone at Glasgow’s Golden Generation, including staff, volunteers and people who are receiving parcels through the campaign would like to thank Celtic FC Foundation for their generous donation. We are all aware that without this kind of support we couldn’t continue our vital work in the city and we are so grateful to the Foundation for helping us make this happen.”

Tony Hamilton, Chief Executive of Celtic FC Foundation, added: “During such difficult times for everyone, it is humbling to see the magnificent work which is continuing in support of vulnerable people within our communities.

“Glasgow’s Golden Generation are delivering hugely important services and Celtic FC Foundation will continue to support these efforts and many others as we work together through this crisis.

“Thanks to monies allocated from the Football for Good Fund, we are working with a variety of local partners such as Glasgow’s Golden Generation to provide urgent essentials to those who are in greatest need in our communities.”

To register for further details on the Football for Good Fund or any other Celtic FC Foundation activities, please email [email protected] and we will respond to you as soon as we possibly can.