
Glasgow East Women’s Aid

GEWA provide support and assistance to families who live or have lived with the traumatic effects of domestic abuse, to ensure they remain safe within their environments. Through their services, they provide initial intervention and offer a range of advice on subjects such as services, legal rights, housing issues and benefits. GEWA also provide one-to-one counselling and run support groups to help improve the lives and wellbeing of the women and young people whom they work with, by assisting them to recover from their experiences of abuse.

“It is very difficult to even put into words what donations from Celtic FC Foundation have done, they have changed the lives of people here at Glasgow East Women’s Aid. These donations quite often prevent women from having to go back to their homes because they’ve been helped to start a new life for themselves and their children. Celtic FC Foundation and its supporters are not just giving people gifts, they are saving people’s lives.”

Anne Smith, Glasgow East Women’s Aid